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Marco Piccolino, C. V.
Formerly Professor of General Physiology, University of Ferrara. Member of the National Institute of Neurosciences, University of Ferrara
M. D. Catholic University of Rome, 1970 (cum laude).
PhD Course: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 1970-1972.
Research interests:
My main research interests are in the study of synaptic transmission mechanisms in the vertebrate retina and their functional consequences for vision. In the past I have investigated the mechanism of both forward and feedback transmission from photoreceptors to horizontal cells of the turtle retina (in collaboration with Luigi Cervetto at the Institute of Neurophysiology of the C.N.R. of Pisa (Italy), and with Hersh Gerschenfeld at Laboratory of Neurobiology of the École Normale Supérieure of Paris (France). In Paris I have also worked with Gerschenfeld, Jacques Neyton and Paul Witkovsky on the role of dopamine in modulating the permeability of gap junctions among retinal horizontal cells. I have collaborated with Masao Tachibana at the Department of Psychology of the University of Tokyo, in the study of the mechanism of release of synaptic transmitter from retinal bipolar cells.
My more recent research work deals with the investigation of the effect of divalent cations on synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to horizontal cells in turtle and salamander retina. This study, started in 1994 at the University of Ferrara, in collaboration with Alexei Byzov of theRussian Academy of Science, has since then continued in an uninterrupted fashion, and involved collaboration with the group of Steve Barnes, then at the University of Calgary, Andrey Dmitriev of the University of Alabama, Peter McNaughton and Vittorio Vellani, then at the King’s College of London. In pursuing further this research I am now collaborating with Wallace Thoreson, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The surprising conclusion of these studies is that the so called synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to horizontal cells is not really “calcium-independent”. This is because when you perfuse the retina with solutions containing nominally very low concentrations of calcium, you reduce only by a modest amount the calcium-concentration in the extracellular space of the retina, and surprisingly you can even increase calcium entry into synaptic terminals of photoreceptors. This paradoxical effect results from a modification of external surface potential in photoreceptors due to lowering calcium, and is accounted for by the ‘surface charge theory’.
Another important aspect of my scientific interests concerns history of science, with particular reference to subjects connected to my experimental research work, i.e. neurophysiology and electrophysiology. In the past I have analysed the neurophysiological work of Santiago Ramón Y Cajal; more recently I have been working on the scientific revolution in life sciences and on the beginning of electrophysiology, dealing with the work of scientists like Marcello Malpighi, Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta, Lazzaro Spallanzani and John Walsh. In collaboration with a science historian, Marco Bresadola, I have just completed a book in Italian on the work of Luigi Galvani, the famous doctor of Bologna who started electrophysiology more than two centuries ago with his experiments on frog preparations. This book entitled “Rane, torpedini e scintille / Galvani, Volta e l’elettricità animale” (“Frogs, torpedoes and sparks / Galvani, Volta and animal electricity“) has been published by Bollati-Boringhieri of Torino . In 2003 I have also completede another book (in English) concerning mainly the work of John Walsh, the English scientist that in the period 1772-1775 provided conclusive evidence on the electrical nature of the shock of the torpedo and of the eel of the Surinam,: Walsh’s researches opened the path to the work of Luigi Galvani on the involvement of electricity in neuro-muscular function and, moreover, to the scientific endeavour of Alessandro Volta culminating in 1799-1800 in the invention of the electric battery. The book entitled “The taming of the ray / Electric fish research in the Enlightenment, from Walsh to Volta” has been published by the publisher L. S. Olschki of Florence. By continuing my interest in the history of electrophysiology and particularly on electric fishes, in 2011 I have published a book in collaboration with Stanly Finger, of the Washington University at St Louis, dealing extensively with the electric fish research since ancient times to modern science. This book has appeared in 2011 with the title: “The Shocking History of Electric Fishes / From Ancient Epochs to the Birth of Modern Neurophysiology” (New Yourk: Oxford University Press).
In 2005 I have published a book on various aspects of the scientific enterprise, largely inspired by the writings of Galileo:. “Lo zufolo e la cicala” / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino“. Afterwards, with Nick Wade of the University of Dundee in Scotland, I have published a book dealing with the theme of ambiguity in art, science and history prompted by our discovery in an Islamic flag of the Church of the Cavalieri of Pisa of what might be the earliest example of the visual ambiguity of the “vase-face” type (i.e. one one in which you can see either two profiles of visages at both sides or the silhouette of a vase in the centre). The book is entitled: “Insegne ambigue: percorsi Obliqui tra Storia, Scienza e Arte, da Galileo a Magritte” Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
By continuing my interest in Galileo, I have afterwards published in collaboration with Nick Wade a volume concerning mainly the importance of reflection on senses and particularly vision in the scientific work of Galileo Galilei. This is a rather neglected aspect of Galileo’s scientific endeavour, which is of great importance for the the astronomic and scientific revolution of the 17th century. The book has been published in 2014, by Oxford University Press. In 2010, in the occasion of the first centennial of the birth of Giuseppe Moruzzi, the great Italian physiologist who has made fundamental contribution the the study of the mechanisms underlying the controll of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm, I have edited, in collaboration with Michel Meulders of the University of Louvain and Nick Wade, a book on Moruzzi’s life and work, with contributions by various authors including Rita Levi-Montalcini.
More recently my interest in history has developed toward unexpected directions. I have initiated a research on the massacres perpetrated by Nazis and Fascists during the last world war in Italy, and particularly in Tuscany. On this theme I have published in 2014 and in 2015 two books dedicated to the massacre of Sant’Anna di Stazzema, where Nazi-fascists destroyed completely a village on the Tuscany mountains and killed about 500 persons, most of them women and children, including several newborns. Some of them, according to my research, were burned alive. In order to preserve the memory of the victims and of the events, very recently I have created an online journal dedicated to the theme of these massacres. This journal, entitled A Sant’Anna di Stazzema, is in Italian, but may include texts in English and German. If you are interested click here.
Main publications:
Piccolino M. (2015). Voci di donne a Sant’Anna di Stazzema / La cantata di Maddalena e le storie di Anna e Anita. Il Campano, Pisa.
Piccolino, M. (2014) A Sant’Anna di Stazzema / La storia di Pietro, testimone per caso della strage nazifascista. Il Campano, Pisa.
Piccolino, M., & Wade N. J. (2014) Galileo’s Visions Piercing the spheres of the heavens by eye and mind Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Piccolino, M. (2013). Shocking frogs: Galvani, volta, and the electric origins of neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press
Finger, S., & Piccolino, M. (2011). The shocking history of electric fishes: From ancient epochs to the birth of modern neurophysiology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Meulders, M., Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2010). Giuseppe Moruzzi: Ritratti di uno scienziato = portraits of a scientist. Pisa: ETS. (edizione bilingue italiana e inglese)
Piccolino M. (2007) (edited by) “Neuroscienze Controverse / Da Aristotele alla moderna scienza del linguaggio” Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino, M., Wade, N.J. (2007) “Insegne ambigue / Percorsi obliqui tra storia, scienza e arte, da Galileo a Magritte”. ETS, Pisa.
Piccolino, M. (2005) “Lo zufolo e la cicala / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia”. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino, M. (2003) “Rane, torpedini e scintille / Galvani, Volta e l’elettricità animale”, Bollati- Boringhieri, Torino. (Pozzale-Luigi Russo Award for 2003)
Piccolino, M. (2003) “The taming of the ray / Electric fish research in the Enlightenment, from John Walsh to Alessandro Volta”, L. S. Olschki, Firenze.
Bodis-Wollner, I. , and M. Piccolino (1988) Dopaminergic mechanisms in vision. New York: A. R. Liss.
Finger, S., Piccolino, M, & Stahnisch, F. (2013) Alexander von Humboldt: Galvanism, Animal Electricity, and Self-Experimentation. Part 2: The Electric Eel, Animal Electricity, and Later Years Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 22, 327-352.
Finger, S., Piccolino, M, & Stahnisch, F. (2013) Alexander von Humboldt: Galvanism, Animal Electricity, and Self-Experimentation. Part 1: Formative Years, Naturphilosophie, and Galvanism
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 22, 225-260.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. The frog’s dancing master: science, séances, and the transmission of myths. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 22, 79-95.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2012). Carlo Matteucci (1811–1868), the “frogs pile”, and the Risorgimento of electrophysiology. Cortex, 48, 6, 645-646.
Levi-Montalcini, R., Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2011). Giuseppe Moruzzi: A tribute to a
“formidable” scientist and a “formidable” man. Brain Research Reviews, 66, 256-269.
Wade, N., Nilius, B., & Piccolino, M. (2011). A quest in neurosciences: neuroportraits. Pfluegers
Archives – European Journal of Physiology, 461, 6, 591-592.
Piccolino, M., Finger, S., & Barbara, J.-G. (2011). Discovering the African Freshwater Torpedo: Legendary Ethiopia, Religious Controversies, and a Catfish Capable of Reanimating Dead Fish. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 20, 3, 210-235.
Koehler, P. J., Finger, S., & Piccolino, M. (2009). The “Eels” of South America: Mid-18th-Century Dutch Contributions to the Theory of Animal Electricity. Journal of the History of Biology, 42, 715–763.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2008). Galileo’s eye: A new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo Galilei. Perception, 37, 9, 1312-1340.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2008). Galileo Galilei’s vision of the senses. Trends in Neurosciences, 31, 11, 585-590.
Piccolino, M. (2007). Visual Images in Luigi Galvani’s Path to Animal Electricity. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 17, 335–348.
Piccolino M. (2007) I sensi, l’ambiguità, la conoscenza nell’opera di Galileo Galilæana. Journal of Galilean Studies. 4, 245-278.
Piccolino M. (2006) “The taming of the electric ray : from a wonderful and dreadful “art” to “animal electricity” and electric battery” in “Brain, mind, and medicine: Essays in 18th century neuroscience“, H. Whitaker, C.U.M. Smith & S. Finger (edrs), Springer, Berlin.
Piccolino M. (2006). La torpille domptée: d’un «art» merveilleux et terrible à l’«électricité animale». In Monti, M. T. “Écriture et mémoire. Les carnets médico-biologiques de Vallisneri à E. Wolff“. (pp. 155-187). Milano: Franco Angeli.
Piccolino M. (2006) Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des science de Paris, Biological Sciences. 329: 303–318.
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) Flagging early ambiguities. IIPerception, 35: 1003-1006
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) Flagging early ambiguities I.Perception. 35: 861-864.
Wade N.J & Piccolino Marco (2006) Nobel stains. Perception, 35: 1-8
Piccolino, M., and Wade, N.J. (2009). Galileo e i segni dei sensi. Sapere, Agosto, 56-63.
Piccolino, M., and Wade, N.J. (2008). Galileo’s eye: a new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo Galilei. Perception, 37, 1312-1340.
Koehler, P., Finger, S., Piccolino M. (2009 The “eels” of South America: mid-18th-century Dutch contributions to the theory of animal electricity. Journal of the History of Biology , 42: 235-251.
Piccolino M., Wade, N.J. (2008) Galileo’s eye: A new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo Galilei. Perception, 37: 1-29.
Piccolino M., Wade, N.J. (2008) Galileo Galilei’s vision of the senses Trends in Neurosciences. 31:585-590.
Piccolino M. (2008) (a cura di) “Neuroscienze Controverse / Da Aristotele alla moderna scienza del linguaggio” Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino M. (2008) Visual images in Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity. The Journal of the history of Neurosciences. 17:335–348.
Piccolino M. (2008) Hersch M. Gerschenfeld et les années de la rétine à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure. in “L’Essor des Neurosciences”, C. Debru, J-G. Barbara & C. Cherici edrs, Hermann, Paris. pp. 323-349.
Piccolino M. (2007) I sensi, l’ambiguità, la conoscenza nell’opera di Galileo Galilæana. Journal of Galilean Studies 4: 245-278
Piccolino, M., Wade, N.J. (2007) “Insegne ambigue / Percorsi obliqui tra storia, scienza e arte, da Galileo a Magritte”. ETS, Pisa.
Piccolino M. (2007) Visual images in Luigi Gavani’s path to animal electricity. The Journal of the history of Neurosciences, 17, 335–348.
Piccolino M. (2007) “The taming of the electric ray : from a wonderful and dreadful “art” to “animal electricity” and electric battery” in “Brain, mind, and medicine: Essays in 18th century neuroscience”, H. Whitaker, C.U.M. Smith & S. Finger (edrs), Springer, Berlin.
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) “Flagging early ambiguities. II” Perception, 35: 1003-1006
Piccolino M. (2006). La torpille domptée: d’un «art» merveilleux et terrible à l’«électricité animale». In MONTI, M. T. “Écriture et mémoire. Les carnets médico-biologiques de Vallisneri à E. Wolff”. (pp. 155-187). Milano: Franco Angeli.
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) Flagging early ambiguities I. Perception. 35: 861-864.
Piccolino M. (2006) Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des science de Paris, Biol. Sci. 329: 303–318.
Wade N.J & Piccolino Marco (2006) Nobel stains. Perception, 35: 1-8
Piccolino, M.(2005) “Lo zufolo e la cicala” / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino, M. (2005) From an ambiguous torpedo to animal and physical electricity. Audiological Medicine 3:124-132.
Piccolino, M.(2005) “Lo zufolo e la cicala” / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino
Piccolino, M. (2003) “Rane, torpedini e scintille / Galvani, Volta e l’elettricità animale”, Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino. 1: 261-270.
Piccolino, M. (2002) Fifty years of the Hodgkin-Huxley era. Trends Neurosci. 25: 552-553.
Piccolino, M., Bresadola, (2002) M. Drawing a spark from darkness: John Walsh and electric fish Trends Neurosci. 25: 51-57. (also available in Endeavour – 2002 26: 19-26)
Piccolino, M. (2000) : Biological machines: from mills to molecules. Nature Rev.Mol.Cell Biol. 1:149-153.
Piccolino, M. (2000) The bicentennial of the Voltaic battery (1800-2000): the artificial electric organ. Trends Neurosci. 23:47-51.
Piccolino, M. (2000) Lazzaro Spallanzani e le ricerche sui pesci elettrici nel secolo dei lumi Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Lazzaro Spallanzani. (P. Manzini & P. Tongiorgi, P edrs..) pp. 359-456. Mucchi, Modena (Italy)..
Dmitriev, A., A. Pignatelli,M. Piccolino (1999) Resistance of retinal extracellular space to Ca2+ level decrease: implications for the synaptic effects of divalent cations. J.Neurophysiol. 82:283-289.
Piccolino, M., A. Pignatelli,L.A. Rakotobe (1999) Calcium-independent release of neurotransmitter in the retina: a “copernican” viewpoint change.Prog.Retin.Eye Res. 18:1-38.
Piccolino, M. (1999) Marcello Malpighi and the difficult birth of modern life sciences. Endeavour 23:175-179.
Piccolino, M., V. Vellani, L.A. Rakotobe, A. Pignatelli, S. Barnes,P. McNaughton (1999) Manipulation of synaptic sign and strength with divalent cations in the vertebrate retina: pushing the limits of tonic, chemical neurotransmission. Eur.J.Neurosci. 11:4134-4138.
Piccolino, M. (1998) Animal electricity and the birth of electrophysiology: the legacy of Luigi Galvani Brain Res.Bull. 46:25-52.
Piccolino, M. (1997) Luigi Galvani and animal electricity: two centuries after the foundation of electro-physiology. Trends Neurosci. 20:443-448.
Piccolino, M. and A. Pignatelli (1996) Calcium-independent synaptic transmission: artifacts or facts. Trends Neurosci. 19:120-125
Piccolino, M., A.L. Byzov, D.E. Kurennyi, A. Pignatelli, F. Sappia, M. Wilkinson,S. Barnes (1996) Low-calcium-induced enhancement of chemical synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to horizontal cells in the vertebrate retina.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93:2302-2306.
Piccolino, M. (1995) The feedback synapse from horizontal cells to cone photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina. Prog.Retin.Eye Res. 14/I:141-196.
Tachibana, M., T. Okada, T. Arimura, K. Kobayashi,M. Piccolino (1993) Dihydropyridine-Sensitive Calcium Current Mediates Neurotransmitter Release from Bipolar Cells of the Goldfish Retina. J.Neurosci. 13:2898-2909.
Piccolino, M., E. Strettoi,E. Laurenzi (1989) Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the retina and the neuron theory. Doc.Ophtalm.-Histor.Sect. 71:123-141.
Piccolino, M., G. Demontis, P. Witkovsky, E. Strettoi, G.C. Cappagli, M.L. Porceddu, G. De Montis, S. Pepitoni, G. Biggio, E. Meller,K. Bohmaker (1989) Involvement of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in the control of horizontal cell electrical coupling in the turtle retina. Eur.J.Neurosci. 1:247-257.
Bodis-Wollner, I. , and M. Piccolino (1988) Dopaminergic mechanisms in vision. New York: A. R. Liss.
Piccolino, M. (1988) Cajal and the retina: a 100-year retrospective. Trends Neurosci. 11:521-525.
Piccolino, M. (1988) La vision et la dopamine. La Recherche. 205:1456-1454.
Piccolino, M.,C. Trimarchi (1987) Lateral interactions between vertebrate photoreceptors. Photochem.Photobiol. 45:305-314.
Piccolino, M., P. Witkovsky,C. Trimarchi (1987) Dopaminergic mechanisms underlying the reduction of electrical coupling between horizontal cells of the turtle retina induced by d-amphetamine, bicuculline, and veratridine. J.Neurosci. 7:2273-2284.
Witkovsky, P., V. Alones,M. Piccolino (1987) Morphological changes induced in turtle retinal neurons by exposure to 6-hydroxydopamine and 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. J.Neurocytol. 16:55-67.
Piccolino, M. (1986) Horizontal cells: Historical controversies and new interest. Prog.Retinal Res. 5:147-163.
Domenici, L., C. Trimarchi, M. Piccolino, A. Fiorentini,L. Maffei (1985) Dopaminergic drugs improve human visual contrast sensitivity. Human Neurobiol. 4:195-197.
Neyton, J., M. Piccolino , and H.M. Gerschenfeld (1985) Neurotransmitter-induced modulation of gap junction permeability in retinal horizontal cells. In D.C.Spray and M.V.L. Bennett (eds): Gap Junctions. Cold Spring Harbor Press., pp. 381-391.
Piccolino, M., P. Witkovsky, J. Neyton, H.M. Gerschenfeld , and C. Trimarchi (1985) Modulation of gap junction permeability by dopamine and GABA in the network of horizontal cells of the turtle retina. In A. Gallego and P. Gouras (eds): Neurocircuitry of the Retina, a Cajal Memorial. New York: Elsevier, pp.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1984) Decrease of gap junction permeability induced by dopamine and cyclic adenosine 3′:5′-monophosphate in horizontal cells of turtle retina. J.Neurosci. 4:2477-2488.
Cervetto, L.,M. Piccolino (1982) Processing of visual signals in vertebrate photoreceptors. Arch.It.Biol. 12:242-27O.
Gerschenfeld, H.M., J. Neyton, M. Piccolino,P. Witkovsky (1982) L-horizontal cells of the turtle: network organization and coupling modulation. Biomedical Research Suppl. 3:21-32.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton, P. Witkovsky, H.M. Gerschenfeld (1982) gamma-Aminobutyric acid antagonists decrease junctional communication between L-horizontal cells of the retina. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 79:3671-3675.
Piccolino, M. , and J. Neyton (1982) The feedback effect from luminosity horizontal cells to cones in the turtle retina: a key to understanding the response properties of the horizontal cells. In M. Laufer and B.D. Drujan (eds): The S-potential. New York: A.R.Liss, pp. 161-179.
Neyton, J., M. Piccolino, H. Gerschenfeld (1981) Involvement of small-field horizontal cells in feedback effects on green cones of turtle retina. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 78:4616-4619.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton,H. Gerschenfeld (1981) Center-surround antagonistic organization in small-field luminosity horizontal cells of turtle retina. J.Neurophysiol. 45:363-375.
Gerschenfeld, H.M., M. Piccolino, J. Neyton (1980) Feed-back modulation of cone synapses by L-horizontal cells of turtle retina. J.Exp.Biol. 89:177-192.
Gerschenfeld, H.M.,M. Piccolino (1980) Sustained feedback effects of L-horizontal cells on turtle cones. Proc.R.Soc.Lond.[Biol.] 206:465-480.
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Gerschenfeld, H.M. , and M. Piccolino (1979) Pharmacology of the connections of cones and L-horizontal cells in the vertebrate retina. In F.O. Schmitt and F.G. Worden (eds): Neuroscience: Fourth study program. M.I.T.Press.,Cambrigde,.Mass., pp. 313-326.
Piccolino, M.,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1978) Activation of a regenerative calcium conductance in turtle cones by peripheral stimulation. Proc.R.Soc.Lond.[Biol.] 201:309-315.
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Cervetto, L. , and M. Piccolino (1976) Mechanisms of synaptic transmission in the vertebrate retina. In M. Santini (ed): Golgi centennial symposium. New York: Raven Press, pp. 577-583.
Piccolino, M. (1976) Strontium-calcium substitution in synaptic transmission in the turtle retina. Nature Lond. 261:5O4-5O5.
Cervetto, L.,M. Piccolino (1974) Synaptic transmission between photoreceptors and horizontal cells in the turtle retina. Science 183:417-419.
Bisti, S., L. Maffei,M. Piccolino (1973) Visuovestibular interactions in the cat superior colliculus. J.Neurophysiol. 38:146-155.
Campbell, F.W., L. Maffei,M. Piccolino (1973) The contrast sensitivity of the cat. J.Physiol.(Lond.) 229:719-731.
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