Books – Libri
Piccolino M. (2015). Voci di donne a Sant’Anna di Stazzema / La cantata di Maddalena e le storie di Anna e Anita. Il Campano, Pisa.
Piccolino, M. (2014) A Sant’Anna di Stazzema / La storia di Pietro, testimone per caso della strage nazifascista. Il Campano, Pisa.
Piccolino, M., & Wade N. J. (2014) Galileo’s Visions Piercing the spheres of the heavens by eye and mind Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Piccolino, M. (2013). Shocking frogs: Galvani, volta, and the electric origins of neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press
Finger, S., & Piccolino, M. (2011). The shocking history of electric fishes: From ancient epochs to the birth of modern neurophysiology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Meulders, M., Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2010). Giuseppe Moruzzi: Ritratti di uno scienziato = portraits of a scientist. Pisa: ETS. (edizione bilingue italiana e inglese)
Piccolino M. (2007) (edited by) “Neuroscienze Controverse / Da Aristotele alla moderna scienza del linguaggio” Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino, M., Wade, N.J. (2007) “Insegne ambigue / Percorsi obliqui tra storia, scienza e arte, da Galileo a Magritte”. ETS, Pisa.
Piccolino, M. (2005) “Lo zufolo e la cicala / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia”. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino, M. (2003) “Rane, torpedini e scintille / Galvani, Volta e l’elettricità animale”, Bollati- Boringhieri, Torino. (Pozzale-Luigi Russo Award for 2003)
Piccolino, M. (2003) “The taming of the ray / Electric fish research in the Enlightenment, from John Walsh to Alessandro Volta”, L. S. Olschki, Firenze.
Bodis-Wollner, I. , and M. Piccolino (1988) Dopaminergic mechanisms in vision. New York: A. R. Liss.
Scientific articles – Articoli scientifici
Finger, S., Piccolino, M, & Stahnisch, F. (2013) Alexander von Humboldt: Galvanism, Animal Electricity, and Self-Experimentation. Part 2: The Electric Eel, Animal Electricity, and Later Years Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 22, 327-352.
Finger, S., Piccolino, M, & Stahnisch, F. (2013) Alexander von Humboldt: Galvanism, Animal Electricity, and Self-Experimentation. Part 1: Formative Years, Naturphilosophie, and GalvanismJournal of the History of the Neurosciences 22, 225-260.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. The frog’s dancing master: science, séances, and the transmission ofmyths. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 22, 79-95.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2012). Carlo Matteucci (1811–1868), the “frogs pile”, and theRisorgimento of electrophysiology. Cortex, 48, 6, 645-646.Levi-Montalcini, R., Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2011). Giuseppe Moruzzi: A tribute to a“formidable” scientist and a “formidable” man. Brain Research Reviews, 66, 256-269.
Wade, N., Nilius, B., & Piccolino, M. (2011). A quest in neurosciences: neuroportraits. PfluegersArchives – European Journal of Physiology, 461, 6, 591-592.
Piccolino, M., Finger, S., & Barbara, J.-G. (2011). Discovering the African Freshwater Torpedo: Legendary Ethiopia, Religious Controversies, and a Catfish Capable of Reanimating Dead Fish. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 20, 3, 210-235.
Koehler, P. J., Finger, S., & Piccolino, M. (2009). The “Eels” of South America: Mid-18th-Century Dutch Contributions to the Theory of Animal Electricity. Journal of the History of Biology, 42, 715–763.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2008). Galileo’s eye: A new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo Galilei. Perception, 37, 9, 1312-1340.
Piccolino, M., & Wade, N. J. (2008). Galileo Galilei’s vision of the senses. Trends in Neurosciences, 31, 11, 585-590.
Piccolino, M. (2007). Visual Images in Luigi Galvani’s Path to Animal Electricity. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 17, 335–348.
Piccolino M. (2007) I sensi, l’ambiguità, la conoscenza nell’opera di Galileo Galilæana. Journal of Galilean Studies. 4, 245-278.
Piccolino M. (2006) “The taming of the electric ray : from a wonderful and dreadful “art” to “animal electricity” and electric battery” in “Brain, mind, and medicine: Essays in 18th century neuroscience“, H. Whitaker, C.U.M. Smith & S. Finger (edrs), Springer, Berlin.
Piccolino M. (2006). La torpille domptée: d’un «art» merveilleux et terrible à l’«électricité animale». In Monti, M. T. “Écriture et mémoire. Les carnets médico-biologiques de Vallisneri à E. Wolff“. (pp. 155-187). Milano: Franco Angeli.
Piccolino M. (2006) Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des science de Paris, Biological Sciences. 329: 303–318.
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) Flagging early ambiguities. IIPerception, 35: 1003-1006
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) Flagging early ambiguities I.Perception. 35: 861-864.
Wade N.J & Piccolino Marco (2006) Nobel stains. Perception, 35: 1-8
Piccolino, M., and Wade, N.J. (2009). Galileo e i segni dei sensi. Sapere, Agosto, 56-63.
Piccolino, M., and Wade, N.J. (2008). Galileo’s eye: a new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo Galilei. Perception, 37, 1312-1340.
Koehler, P., Finger, S., Piccolino M. (2009 The “eels” of South America: mid-18th-century Dutch contributions to the theory of animal electricity. Journal of the History of Biology , 42: 235-251.
Piccolino M., Wade, N.J. (2008) Galileo’s eye: A new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo Galilei. Perception, 37: 1-29.
Piccolino M., Wade, N.J. (2008) Galileo Galilei’s vision of the senses Trends in Neurosciences. 31:585-590.
Piccolino M. (2008) (a cura di) “Neuroscienze Controverse / Da Aristotele alla moderna scienza del linguaggio” Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino M. (2008) Visual images in Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity. The Journal of the history of Neurosciences. 17:335–348.
Piccolino M. (2008) Hersch M. Gerschenfeld et les années de la rétine à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure. in “L’Essor des Neurosciences”, C. Debru, J-G. Barbara & C. Cherici edrs, Hermann, Paris. pp. 323-349.
Piccolino M. (2007) I sensi, l’ambiguità, la conoscenza nell’opera di Galileo Galilæana. Journal of Galilean Studies 4: 245-278
Piccolino, M., Wade, N.J. (2007) “Insegne ambigue / Percorsi obliqui tra storia, scienza e arte, da Galileo a Magritte”. ETS, Pisa.
Piccolino M. (2007) Visual images in Luigi Gavani’s path to animal electricity. The Journal of the history of Neurosciences, 17, 335–348.
Piccolino M. (2007) “The taming of the electric ray : from a wonderful and dreadful “art” to “animal electricity” and electric battery” in “Brain, mind, and medicine: Essays in 18th century neuroscience”, H. Whitaker, C.U.M. Smith & S. Finger (edrs), Springer, Berlin.
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) “Flagging early ambiguities. II” Perception, 35: 1003-1006
Piccolino M. (2006). La torpille domptée: d’un «art» merveilleux et terrible à l’«électricité animale». In MONTI, M. T. “Écriture et mémoire. Les carnets médico-biologiques de Vallisneri à E. Wolff”. (pp. 155-187). Milano: Franco Angeli.
Piccolino M. & Wade N.J (2006) Flagging early ambiguities I. Perception. 35: 861-864.
Piccolino M. (2006) Luigi Galvani’s path to animal electricity. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des science de Paris, Biol. Sci. 329: 303–318.
Wade N.J & Piccolino Marco (2006) Nobel stains. Perception, 35: 1-8
Piccolino, M.(2005) “Lo zufolo e la cicala” / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino.
Piccolino, M. (2005) From an ambiguous torpedo to animal and physical electricity. Audiological Medicine 3:124-132.
Piccolino, M.(2005) “Lo zufolo e la cicala” / Divagazioni galileiane tra la scienza e la sua storia. Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino
Piccolino, M. (2003) “Rane, torpedini e scintille / Galvani, Volta e l’elettricità animale”, Bollati-Boringhieri, Torino. 1: 261-270.
Piccolino, M. (2002) Fifty years of the Hodgkin-Huxley era. Trends Neurosci. 25: 552-553.
Piccolino, M., Bresadola, (2002) M. Drawing a spark from darkness: John Walsh and electric fish Trends Neurosci. 25: 51-57. (also available in Endeavour – 2002 26: 19-26)
Piccolino, M. (2000) : Biological machines: from mills to molecules. Nature Rev.Mol.Cell Biol. 1:149-153.
Piccolino, M. (2000) The bicentennial of the Voltaic battery (1800-2000): the artificial electric organ. Trends Neurosci. 23:47-51.
Piccolino, M. (2000) Lazzaro Spallanzani e le ricerche sui pesci elettrici nel secolo dei lumi Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Lazzaro Spallanzani. (P. Manzini & P. Tongiorgi, P edrs..) pp. 359-456. Mucchi, Modena (Italy)..
Dmitriev, A., A. Pignatelli,M. Piccolino (1999) Resistance of retinal extracellular space to Ca2+ level decrease: implications for the synaptic effects of divalent cations. J.Neurophysiol. 82:283-289.
Piccolino, M., A. Pignatelli,L.A. Rakotobe (1999) Calcium-independent release of neurotransmitter in the retina: a “copernican” viewpoint change.Prog.Retin.Eye Res. 18:1-38.
Piccolino, M. (1999) Marcello Malpighi and the difficult birth of modern life sciences. Endeavour 23:175-179.
Piccolino, M., V. Vellani, L.A. Rakotobe, A. Pignatelli, S. Barnes,P. McNaughton (1999) Manipulation of synaptic sign and strength with divalent cations in the vertebrate retina: pushing the limits of tonic, chemical neurotransmission. Eur.J.Neurosci. 11:4134-4138.
Piccolino, M. (1998) Animal electricity and the birth of electrophysiology: the legacy of Luigi Galvani Brain Res.Bull. 46:25-52.
Piccolino, M. (1997) Luigi Galvani and animal electricity: two centuries after the foundation of electro-physiology. Trends Neurosci. 20:443-448.
Piccolino, M. and A. Pignatelli (1996) Calcium-independent synaptic transmission: artifacts or facts. Trends Neurosci. 19:120-125
Piccolino, M., A.L. Byzov, D.E. Kurennyi, A. Pignatelli, F. Sappia, M. Wilkinson,S. Barnes (1996) Low-calcium-induced enhancement of chemical synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to horizontal cells in the vertebrate retina.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93:2302-2306.
Piccolino, M. (1995) The feedback synapse from horizontal cells to cone photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina. Prog.Retin.Eye Res. 14/I:141-196.
Tachibana, M., T. Okada, T. Arimura, K. Kobayashi,M. Piccolino (1993) Dihydropyridine-Sensitive Calcium Current Mediates Neurotransmitter Release from Bipolar Cells of the Goldfish Retina. J.Neurosci. 13:2898-2909.
Piccolino, M., E. Strettoi,E. Laurenzi (1989) Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the retina and the neuron theory. Doc.Ophtalm.-Histor.Sect. 71:123-141.
Piccolino, M., G. Demontis, P. Witkovsky, E. Strettoi, G.C. Cappagli, M.L. Porceddu, G. De Montis, S. Pepitoni, G. Biggio, E. Meller,K. Bohmaker (1989) Involvement of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in the control of horizontal cell electrical coupling in the turtle retina. Eur.J.Neurosci. 1:247-257.
Bodis-Wollner, I. , and M. Piccolino (1988) Dopaminergic mechanisms in vision. New York: A. R. Liss.
Piccolino, M. (1988) Cajal and the retina: a 100-year retrospective. Trends Neurosci. 11:521-525.
Piccolino, M. (1988) La vision et la dopamine. La Recherche. 205:1456-1454.
Piccolino, M.,C. Trimarchi (1987) Lateral interactions between vertebrate photoreceptors. Photochem.Photobiol. 45:305-314.
Piccolino, M., P. Witkovsky,C. Trimarchi (1987) Dopaminergic mechanisms underlying the reduction of electrical coupling between horizontal cells of the turtle retina induced by d-amphetamine, bicuculline, and veratridine. J.Neurosci. 7:2273-2284.
Witkovsky, P., V. Alones,M. Piccolino (1987) Morphological changes induced in turtle retinal neurons by exposure to 6-hydroxydopamine and 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. J.Neurocytol. 16:55-67.
Piccolino, M. (1986) Horizontal cells: Historical controversies and new interest. Prog.Retinal Res. 5:147-163.
Domenici, L., C. Trimarchi, M. Piccolino, A. Fiorentini,L. Maffei (1985) Dopaminergic drugs improve human visual contrast sensitivity. Human Neurobiol. 4:195-197.
Neyton, J., M. Piccolino , and H.M. Gerschenfeld (1985) Neurotransmitter-induced modulation of gap junction permeability in retinal horizontal cells. In D.C.Spray and M.V.L. Bennett (eds): Gap Junctions. Cold Spring Harbor Press., pp. 381-391.
Piccolino, M., P. Witkovsky, J. Neyton, H.M. Gerschenfeld , and C. Trimarchi (1985) Modulation of gap junction permeability by dopamine and GABA in the network of horizontal cells of the turtle retina. In A. Gallego and P. Gouras (eds): Neurocircuitry of the Retina, a Cajal Memorial. New York: Elsevier, pp.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1984) Decrease of gap junction permeability induced by dopamine and cyclic adenosine 3′:5′-monophosphate in horizontal cells of turtle retina. J.Neurosci. 4:2477-2488.
Cervetto, L.,M. Piccolino (1982) Processing of visual signals in vertebrate photoreceptors. Arch.It.Biol. 12:242-27O.
Gerschenfeld, H.M., J. Neyton, M. Piccolino,P. Witkovsky (1982) L-horizontal cells of the turtle: network organization and coupling modulation. Biomedical Research Suppl. 3:21-32.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton, P. Witkovsky, H.M. Gerschenfeld (1982) gamma-Aminobutyric acid antagonists decrease junctional communication between L-horizontal cells of the retina. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 79:3671-3675.
Piccolino, M. , and J. Neyton (1982) The feedback effect from luminosity horizontal cells to cones in the turtle retina: a key to understanding the response properties of the horizontal cells. In M. Laufer and B.D. Drujan (eds): The S-potential. New York: A.R.Liss, pp. 161-179.
Neyton, J., M. Piccolino, H. Gerschenfeld (1981) Involvement of small-field horizontal cells in feedback effects on green cones of turtle retina. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 78:4616-4619.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton,H. Gerschenfeld (1981) Center-surround antagonistic organization in small-field luminosity horizontal cells of turtle retina. J.Neurophysiol. 45:363-375.
Gerschenfeld, H.M., M. Piccolino, J. Neyton (1980) Feed-back modulation of cone synapses by L-horizontal cells of turtle retina. J.Exp.Biol. 89:177-192.
Gerschenfeld, H.M.,M. Piccolino (1980) Sustained feedback effects of L-horizontal cells on turtle cones. Proc.R.Soc.Lond.[Biol.] 206:465-480.
Piccolino, M., J. Neyton, H.M. Gerschenfeld (1980) Synaptic mechanisms involved in responses of chromaticity horizontal cells of turtle retina. Nature 284:58-60.
Piccolino, M.,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1980) Characteristics and ionic processes involved in feedback spikes of turtle cones. Proc.R.Soc.Lond.[Biol.] 06:439-463.
Gerschenfeld, H.M. , and M. Piccolino (1979) Pharmacology of the connections of cones and L-horizontal cells in the vertebrate retina. In F.O. Schmitt and F.G. Worden (eds): Neuroscience: Fourth study program. M.I.T.Press.,Cambrigde,.Mass., pp. 313-326.
Piccolino, M.,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1978) Activation of a regenerative calcium conductance in turtle cones by peripheral stimulation. Proc.R.Soc.Lond.[Biol.] 201:309-315.
Piccolino, M.,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1977) Lateral interactions in the outer plexiform layer of turtle retinas after atropine block of horizontal cells. Nature 268:259-261.
Piccolino, M.,H.M. Gerschenfeld (1977) Muscarinic antagonists block cone to horizontal cell transmission in turtle retina. Nature 268:257-261.
Cervetto, L. , and M. Piccolino (1976) Mechanisms of synaptic transmission in the vertebrate retina. In M. Santini (ed): Golgi centennial symposium. New York: Raven Press, pp. 577-583.
Piccolino, M. (1976) Strontium-calcium substitution in synaptic transmission in the turtle retina. Nature Lond. 261:5O4-5O5.
Cervetto, L.,M. Piccolino (1974) Synaptic transmission between photoreceptors and horizontal cells in the turtle retina. Science 183:417-419.
Bisti, S., L. Maffei,M. Piccolino (1973) Visuovestibular interactions in the cat superior colliculus. J.Neurophysiol. 38:146-155.
Campbell, F.W., L. Maffei,M. Piccolino (1973) The contrast sensitivity of the cat. J.Physiol.(Lond.) 229:719-731.
Bisti, S., L. Maffei, M. Piccolino (1972) Variations of the visual response of the superior colliculus in relation to the body roll. Science 75:314-315.
Articles on episodes of the last world war – Articoli su episodi dell’ultima guerra mondiale
Piccolino, M. (2016) Mariannina Ciccone, la tigre e i nazisti: storia di una ricerca in Spataro Corrado (a cura di) Mariannina Ciccone, Atti del Convegno – Noto 13-14 Novembre 2015. Pachino: Effe Grafica-Fratantonio (pp. 89-172). (edizione online consultabile cliccando qui)